We made this table with upper-case and lower-case letters of the English alphabet and their binary code representation we also included popular symbols.

If you look for how to convert binary to text or text to binary, we made a binary translator that does it.

Character ASCII Binary
a 97 01100001
b 98 01100010
c 99 01100011
d 100 01100100
e 101 01100101
f 102 01100110
g 103 01100111
h 104 01101000
i 105 01101001
j 106 01101010
k 107 01101011
l 108 01101100
m 109 01101101
n 110 01101110
o 111 01101111
p 112 01110000
q 113 01110001
r 114 01110010
s 115 01110011
t 116 01110100
u 117 01110101
v 118 01110110
w 119 01110111
x 120 01111000
y 121 01111001
z 122 01111010
A 65 01000001
B 66 01000010
C 67 01000011
D 68 01000100
E 69 01000101
F 70 01000110
G 71 01000111
H 72 01001000
I 73 01001001
J 74 01001010
K 75 01001011
L 76 01001100
M 77 01001101
N 78 01001110
O 79 01001111
P 80 01010000
Q 81 01010001
R 82 01010010
S 83 01010011
T 84 01010100
U 85 01010101
V 86 01010110
W 87 01010111
X 88 01011000
Y 89 01011001
Z 90 01011010
! 33 00100001
" 34 00100010
# 35 00100011
$ 36 00100100
% 37 00100101
& 38 00100110
' 39 00100111
( 40 00101000
) 41 00101001
* 42 00101010
+ 43 00101011
, 44 00101100
- 45 00101101
. 46 00101110
/ 47 00101111
: 58 00111010
; 59 00111011
< 60 00111100
= 61 00111101
> 62 00111110
? 63 00111111
@ 64 01000000
[ 91 01011011
\ 92 01011100
] 93 01011101
^ 94 01011110
_ 95 01011111
` 96 01100000
{ 123 01111011
| 124 01111100
} 125 01111101
~ 126 01111110